You will have access to an extensive range of training opportunities to help develop new skills and enhance existing ones.

It is important to us that you feel supported and confident in your role as a foster carer to meet the needs of the child or young person in your care.

Skills to Foster course

Your training begins right from the start of your fostering journey. As part of the assessment process, you will be invited to join our Skills to Foster course.

The aim of this course is to provide you with information about the skills and abilities needed to begin a career in fostering. It will also give you an understanding of how fostering may impact on your life and the lives of those around you.

The course is a 3 day programme and covers a range of topics including:

What do foster carers do?

This session focus on why children come into care, why foster care is needed, how difficult early experiences may have affected the children and what these children might need from foster carers.

Identity and life chances

This session aims to highlight the different factors that make up a sense of identity and their importance to children and young people in foster care.

Working with others

The team around the child is introduced within this session to help you understand the teams you will be working with including the specialist teams within South Gloucestershire Council.

Understanding and caring for children

This session explores the different types of behaviours children and young people in care may display and to provide you with practical ideas and strategies, based on the ABC model to promote good and change difficult behaviour.

Safer caring

This session explains why children and young people in foster care are considered particularly vulnerable and to teach you how to protect the children in your care and your family.


This session addresses the importance of placement stability for children and young people in care, including life story work and keeping memories safe. We will provide you with the key skills to support your young people to transition to adulthood.

Training once approved

Once approved, you will be expected to complete the Training, Support and Development (TSD) standards as part of your induction to the role. This will equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide high quality care to the children and young people you care for.

Throughout your fostering career, you and your supervising social worker will discuss your development needs and put together a Personal Development Plan.

This will be reviewed every year and we will support you with ongoing training depending on your needs and those of the children and young people in your care.

Flexible times and locations

We understand our foster carers are busy, so make all our training convenient and accessible. Many of our courses are delivered online, and those in person are held locally and usually during school hours. You can find out more about our training offer on our CPD Learning and Development site.